Thank you for your in-kind donation!

Please complete the form below.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Parker at

You will receive a written receipt of your in-kind donation from FACT Relief for your records.

Families and Communities Together (FACT) Relief

IRS 501(c) 3 Tax Exempt Number 47-2746306

Instructions for completing the In-Kind Donation Form:

  1. Provide detailed information related to the description of the item or service being donated. For printing donations, include specific number of pages, packets or other items that are being considered. For other material items, include specific quantities being considered. No financial donations are considered in-kind donations.
  2. The Estimated Fair Market Value(FMV)must be completed by the donor. The Association cannot place a FMV amount or interpret the value of any non-financial donations.
  3. Provide donor-benefit amounts being returned to the donor in exchange for their in-kind donation. (Example: A donor provided printing of 100 booklets for an Educational Conference and received a dinner at the event.The cost of the dinner must be itemized and recorded.)
  4. Provide information related to the donor including name, organization, address and other contact information.
  5. Donations that cannot be accepted or fall outside the standard guidelines for acceptance will be rejected. A formal letter will be sent to the donor and a copy of the notice will be retained for our records.

RULES AND REGULATIONS:In-Kind donations must meet the standard charitable organization rules as outlined by the Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) which includes:Current standards of the FASB require that contributed services be recognized and recorded. The following criteria must be met: (1) the donation must be useful;(2) the service creates or enhances a non-financial asset;(3) the services require specialized skills and are provided by individuals with those skills.

Providing In-Kind services and materials require review and approval from the FACT Relief Foundation management staff prior to acceptance. Only signed, approved donation forms are acceptable as acknowledgement of in-kind donations.